Presentation: Comatec Estonia
Comatec Estonia is located in an office building about 10 minutes from the center of Tallinn. The Estonian team includes country manager Esko Aura and around a dozen experts in mechanical design and electrical design.
– A large part of our team designs paper machines and pulp baling lines for our customers in the Nordic countries. Locally, we serve our customers by offering resource and project services in areas such as designing production test solutions, manufacturing drawings and other manufacturing support solutions, says Esko, who describes himself as a jack of all trades in the company.
The Tallinn office specializes in industrial equipment and systems. These include the aforementioned paper industry products as well as wood processing equipment and solutions for automated production lines.
– We also work a lot with other Comatec offices, selling to local companies and others the high quality strength calculation services provided by our expert team in Tampere. Our close partnership with other Comatec offices allows us to deliver larger packages while keeping overall prices very competitive.
The workforce is provided by the Tallinn University of Technology, TalTech, where the level of education is fully comparable to that of similar training centers in Finland. According to Esko, an advantage in the availability of employees is the local desire to work as part of a large international group like Comatec, which offers challenging design tasks and a working environment that fosters development.
The first thing that catches your eye when you enter the office is the chin-up bar, which Esko says is the first test on the road becoming a member of the Comatec team.
– We have a fantastic, good humored team here. We have a habit of going out at least twice a year to spend an active day together and find something out of the ordinary to do. Activities have included carting, a shooting range, an escape room, laser wars and a day at an adventure park. A bold and open-minded attitude to experimenting and learning new things is a bonus, as our everyday work also offers constant opportunities to challenge yourself with new projects, products and technologies.
This is the first part of a series of articles presenting Comatec’s international offices in Estonia, Poland, Romania and Sweden.