Presentation: Comatec Romania
Comatec Romania is based in Brașov, a charming city of around 300,000 inhabitants surrounded by mountains in the Transylvania region of central Romania. The name Transylvania has a strong connection to Bram Stoker’s legendary character Dracula, and the associated Bran Castle is also located nearby.
The Romanian team specializes in the design of cruise ship water purification systems, as well as equipment for the plywood industry and customization of related end products. Romania has a significant presence in the automotive industry subcontracting, which is evident in the local expertise.
– Our experts also have extensive experience in the mechanical design of mobile machinery, such as agricultural machinery, says Comatec Romania’s Country Manager Esko Aura.
Comatec’s Romanian office offers a wide and skilled pool of designers to its customers. The Romanian branch serves Finnish and international clients in collaboration with Comatec’s experts in Finland, bringing the advantages of extensive experience, superb quality, and competitive pricing.
The team includes many experts who have been with the company for a very long time. In general, employee loyalty is very high in Romania.
Romania has a significant industrial sector, high quality universities, and a population of approximately 20 million, ensuring good availability of skilled workforce. Comatec’s excellent reputation also aids in recruitment; Esko mentions hiring several new designers to the team after they heard about Comatec’s work culture and interesting challenges through their own networks.
– Our team members relax by hiking in the local mountain landscapes, and it’s customary to take guests visiting Brasov to climb to the top of the mountain that overlooks the city, Esko adds.
– The trail is not easy, but the reward is worth it; from the top of the mountain, you can get a great view of the entire city and the beautiful surrounding mountain scenery. There is also a Brasov sign on the mountain, illuminated like the Hollywood sign, where it’s nice to take pictures to remember the trip.
This is the third part of a series of articles presenting Comatec’s international offices in Estonia, Poland, Romania and Sweden.