Environmental services

Tarjoamme tukea ympäristöasioiden hallintaan ja ympäristönsuojelun tason parantamiseen ympäristöjohtamisen ja kiertotalouden keinoin. ​Autamme asiakasta toteuttamaan kestävän kehityksen ympäristönäkökulmaa elinkaariajattelun mukaisesti ja vähentämään toimintansa aiheuttamaa ympäristökuormitusta.​ Annamme uusia näkökulmia ympäristömyötäiseen toimintaan ja tarjoamme konkreettisia ideoita tulosten hyödyntämiseen liiketoiminnan jatkuvassa parantamisessa.​

Better business through systematic environmental solutions

We provide support for the management of environmental matters and enhancement of environmental performance through environmental management and circular economy. We help customers to implement sustainable development through a life cycle approach and to reduce their environmental load. We provide new perspectives for more environmentally friendly operations and concrete ideas to utilise the results to continuously develop your business.

We use ISO 14000 environmental management tools and techniques as well as tried and tested circular economy solutions. Another key tool is life cycle assessment (LCA), which enables us to produce analysed data to support decision-making. The majority of environmental impacts is determined already in the design stage. This is why we want to promote the consideration of environmental aspects in the design phase of products and services.

Environmental Management

Environmental System (ISO 14001)

  • We offer support for the construction, maintenance and development of an environmental system on the principles of continuous improvement.

Life Cycle Assessment (ISO 14040 & ISO 14044)

  • We conduct environmental impact assessments during the life cycle of products and processes.
  • Life cycle assessment is part of Comatec’s Life Cycle Support.

Environmental and Chemical Legislation

  • We help you to identify binding obligations, to interpret the environmental and chemical legislation and to meet the requirements.
  • Our expertise covers, for example, the SCIP database, REACH regulation and national environmental legislation

Environmental Communication and Reporting

  • We help you to collect information for environmental communication and to implement systematic environmental communication solutions.
  • Our services include the development of an environmental communication strategy and processes (EN ISO 14063), calculation and reporting of greenhouse gases (EN ISO 14064 –ISO/TR 14069), environmental labelling and declarations (e.g. EN ISO 14025 + EPD, EN 14067 – CFP) and environmental reporting (e.g. CSRD)

EPD = Environmental Product Declaration
CFP = Carbon Footprint of Products
CSRD= Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive

Circular Economy


  • The circular economy enables the creation of more sustainable solutions cost-effectively.
  • We help you to develop circular economy metrics.
  • We analyse energy and mass balances, for example, the use of recycled material in manufacturing, and the recyclability of the product itself.
  • Combined with the LCA Service, we can examine the environmental impacts of a product’s circular economy profile.

Design for Environment

  • A considerable part of environmental impacts is determined in the design stage. Environmentally friendly product design can significantly reduce the environmental impacts of a product or service during its life cycle.
  • We offer practical solutions to include environmental aspects as part of the design process. We also train designers to understand their potential in reducing environmental impacts.

Solutions for End of Life Cycle

  • We can find the environmentally least harmful end of life cycle for products.
  • 4R concept in practice – Reduce, Re-use, Recycle, Recover

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Contact us

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029 000 2000

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Presentation: Comatec Romania
30.6.2023 | Articles

Presentation: Comatec Romania

Comatec Romania is based in Brașov, a charming city of around 300,000 inhabitants surrounded by mountains in the Transylvania region […]

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