Product Safety Services throughout the lifecycle of the product
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Tuoteturvallisuus on osa koneen, laitteen tai järjestelmän toimintaan koko sen elinkaaren ajan. Comatecin asiantuntijat auttavat tuoteturvallisuuden kehittämisessä ja riskien minimoimisessa suunnittelun tai olemassa olevan koneen tai laitteen eri vaiheissa. Turvallisuuden alueella tarjoamme tuoteturvallisuuden kokonaisratkaisuja tai osan niistä. Palvelumme avulla tuotteen saattaminen ajantasaisten tuoteturvallisuusvaatimusten mukaiseksi on mahdollisimman vaivatonta. Vaatimusten lisäksi kehitämme tarvittaessa tarpeita vastaavia, ajantasaisten tuoteturvallisuusvaatimusten mukaisia tuoteturvallisuuden hallinnan työkaluja. Tuoteturvallisuuden lisäksi turvallinen työpaikka on etu niin yritykselle kuin työntekijälle. Työturvallisuusriskien pienentäminen vähentää sairauspoissaoloja ja parantaa työtehoa sekä työssä viihtyvyyttä. Avainasemassa on riskien tunnistaminen ajoissa ja niistä tiedottaminen.
Omat haasteensa tuotetuvallisuuteen tuovat myös ympäristön huomioiminen, palo- ja kemikaaliturvallisuus ja näitä säätelevä lainsäädäntö sekä Euroopan talousaluetta koskeva tuotteiden pakollinen CE-merkintä sen kuuluessa CE-merkintää edellyttävän diretktiivin soveltamisalaan. Tunnemme ympäristösuojelulain 527/2014 ja CE-merkintöjen velvoitteet ja ohjeet.
Tarjoamamme asiantuntijaosaamisen lisäksi turvallisuuden A ja O on osaava henkilökunta. Riskienhallinnassa haastavinta on usein henkilöstön riittävä tietoisuus turvallisuusvaatimuksista, menetelmistä ja niiden soveltamisesta käytännössä. Asiantuntijaselvityksiämme täydentää Comatecin turvallisuuskoulutukset, joka voidaan räätälöidä asiakkaan tarpeen mukaan. Tuoteturvallisuuskoulutuksissemme saat tietoa ajantasaisista tuoteturvallisuusvaatimuksista ja niiden soveltamisesta käytännössä.
Managing and coordinating product safety in product development projects
- Product liability: Allocating the obligations set by the requirements
- Product safety plans
- Defining mandatory requirements specific to a market area
- Defining the tasks called for by the requirements and including them in the correct stages of the project
- Managing product design work to ensure conformity
- Design support
- Training associated with the applicable requirements
- Carrying out product safety work, such as conformity reviews with the applicable requirements
- Risk assessments, including:
- Machine safety
- Fire safety
- System analyses, including operational safety
- Preparing and compiling the product safety documentation called for by the requirements
- For instance, documents required for a CE marking
- Manuals and other technical documentation
Product safety solutions
- Machine safety modernisations
- Product development projects
- Production machinery and equipment
- Machine lines and robot cells
- Lifting accessories
Making the product conform with CE marking requirements
- New machinery
- Imported machinery
- Old machinery for which the intended use is considered to have changed
- Other products for which the CE marking is required
Tools for safety management
- Risk assessment and management methods
- Conformity review methods
- Creating a product safety process for the company
- Product liability management methods
Machine safety consultation
- Safety reviews, including:
- Production machinery and machine lines
- Imported machinery
- Machines manufactured for own use
- Defining product safety work needs
- Enabling entry to market
- Inspecting and preparing documents, such as:
- Operating instructions
- Warnings
- Risk assessments
- Conformity reviews
- Declaration of conformity templates
Safety requirements for vehicles
When bringing any motor vehicle or its trailer to the market, a type approval helps the entry to the market and the free movement of the vehicle within the EU. In order for the vehicle to be approved for traffic use, it must meet the requirements of the legislation in each area (e.g., breaks, lights, etc.) Requirements for motor vehicles are given in both national and EU legislation and the UNECE (United Nations Economic Commission for Europe) regulations. Comatec’s experts help you find out the requirements concerning your vehicle. We are particularly familiar with:
- Buses
- Tractors and farming and forestry trailers
Operational and Robot safety consultation
By utilising standardised safety processes and assessment methods, we ensure the reliability and safety level of safety automation systems. We also design and document the safety procedures for robot cells as a part of the design process.
Expert services related to occupational safety
A safe workplace is a benefit for both the company and employees. Diminishing occupational safety risks decreases health-related absences and improves working efficiency and job satisfaction. The key is recognising the risks in time and informing people of them. Comatec offers the following expert services related to occupational safety, among others:
- Occupational safety risk assessments
- Risk assessment for the whole workplace
- Risk assessment for a single job
- Occupational safety counselling, such as:
- Safety walk consultation
- Occupational safety guidelines for the workplace
- Customised safety training for your company’s needs
Expert services related to environmental safety
- Environmental risk assessment
- Recycling counselling
- Surveying the categories of waste produced at the site and planning their recycling
- Personnel training
Expert services related to chemical and fire safety expert services
- Chemical risk assessment,
- For example, as a part of occupational safety or environmental risk assessment
- Provides the basis for appropriate storage and handling of chemicals
- Ratio calculation: Defines the company’s obligations for making preparations
- Creating an operating principle document, safety report and internal rescue plan
- Chemical consultation, for example, the interpretation of safety data sheets
- Fire safety consultation as a part of product development projects
- The rescue plans according to Rescue Act and Government Decree
Safety training
- Machine design in accordance with the CE marking requirements
- Training related to directives and standards
- Training for personnel working with machines
- Training for procurement personnel
- Training customised according to the customer’s wishes and needs